[MNML 19] 吳郭魚也想出人頭地
[MNML 19] 吳郭魚也想出人頭地
資料時間_ 2017/09/29
資料地點_ 在地實驗

§ 《數位荒原》駐站暨群島資料庫計劃(第一年):第二場
§ NML Residency Project & Nusantara Archive: Artist’s Talk #2



The Tilapia fish, or more commonly known as the Wu Guo Yu in Taiwan has a humble origin. However, it has a captivating story to tell as in how it was introduced to Taiwan by two Taiwanese soldiers from Singapore in 1946. The advancement in fish farming technology and the unintended yet colourful branding exercise have gradually promoted this fish as the national sea bream of Taiwan. This sharing session is based on the study of Wu Guo Yu, to look at the form of migratory movement through livestock, the process of domesticating a foreign species and its cultural significance in constructing a national narrative.

A Wu Guo Yu sample dish will be served during MNML #19. The artist will like to thank Digital Art Foundation, Taipei for the invitation, OCAC for hosting the residency, and friends from the local art community for their advice and support during his one month stay in Taipei. And special thanks to Ho Yu-kuan, Wu Chuen-lun, Seah Yi-zai, Chen Ching-yao and Chen Yi-chiu.

§ 講者介紹

符芳俊以檳城的喬治城為據點,生於1982年,取得倫敦藝術大學傳播學院攝影學位(BA Photography, London College of Communication),並曾於國內和東南亞地區舉辦展覽。2010年進入倫敦薩奇美術館新興藝術家獎(Saatchi Gallery’s 2010 New Sensations and Photographer’s gallery ‘Fresh Eyes, Wild Face’)決選。他的興趣在於檢視那些源於翻譯或同化的嘗試、有時反導致非預期或不相干的作用之剩餘結果,藝術實踐涉及訪調文化翻譯之過程。他亦是成立於喬治城的藝術策展團體「冉阿末」(run amok)的創辦人與成員之一。

Hoo Fan Chon (b. 1982) based in George Town, he completed his BA photography at the London College of Communication and has exhibited in locally and regionally. He was one of the finalists for Saatchi Gallery’s 2010 New Sensations and Photographer’s gallery ‘Fresh Eyes, Wild Face’ in London. Interested in examining the residues of this process in which attempts to translate or assimilate was made but at times result in an unexpected and incoherent manner, his practice involves investigating the process of cultural translation. He is one of the founders and members of an art and curatorial collective – Run Amok based in George Town, Penang.


Yichiu Chen (b. 1983)
Based in Taichung and Taipei, Taiwan. She completed her BA in journalism and MA in magazine publishing. She is interested in how contemporary living experiences being converted or transformed in a sometimes unfamiliar situation. She does interviews, editorial works and exhibitions and now is operating a project space called Pon Ding.

§ 《數位荒原》駐站暨群島資料庫計劃(第一年)FB
§ 主辦單位:數位荒原(財團法人數位藝術基金會)
§ 協辦單位:在地實驗、打開-當代藝術工作站
§ 觀察團成員:陳湘汶、侯昱寬、賴英泰

發佈時間_ 2018\06\25
原件著作財產權人: 符芳俊
數位檔案著作財產權人: 在地實驗、數位荒原
直接連結: https://archive.etat.com/?p=6896



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