[MNML 20] 搭便車與歪斜時針—印尼與想像的印尼
[MNML 20] 搭便車與歪斜時針—印尼與想像的印尼
資料時間_ 2017/10/14
資料地點_ 在地實驗

§ 《數位荒原》駐站暨群島資料庫計劃(第一年):觀察員—陳湘汶
§ NML Residency Project & Nusantara Archive: Chen Hsiang-wen


“This summer I had a research trip in Indonesia on the purpose of curating an exhibition in the coming years. The locations of my residencies included Makassar in Sulawesi, as well as Jogja and Bandung in Jawa. Moving back and forth in the Nusantara region in such a short time, I could feel the differences of the cultures and characters among the islands. With the pre-existed idea of ‘Numpang’, the art community is benefited from and maintained with its support. At the later stage of my residency, I kept thinking of the question — can we have corresponding cases in our art scenes? How can we compare the two countries in this same or other regards? ‘Leaning hour hand’ means that I kept repeatedly adjusting my speed and correcting my imaginations about Indonesia according to the paces of life in different places, which I was always a couple of tenths missed.”

§ 講者介紹


Chen Hsiang-Wen, an independent curator and freelance writer with a professional background in art history and art criticism. Formerly, she also worked as an editor and journalist in art magazine in which experience leads to her high sensitivity to the typographical errors and proper use of punctuation switched between full-width and half-width forms. Her articles are widely published among various magazines or social platforms. Chen now works back and forth in both Tainan and Taipei. Her recent research focuses primarily on the search of new interpretation for Taiwan through the development of handcrafts as well as mass-market or traditional orientations. In 2017, she has received a sponsorship from The National Culture and Arts Foundation in Taiwan for residency and research program in Indonesia.

§ 《數位荒原》駐站暨群島資料庫計劃(第一年)FB
§ 主辦單位:數位荒原(財團法人數位藝術基金會)
§ 協辦單位:在地實驗、打開-當代藝術工作站
§ 觀察團成員:陳湘汶、侯昱寬、賴英泰

發佈時間_ 2018\06\26
原件著作財產權人: 陳湘汶
數位檔案著作財產權人: 在地實驗、數位荒原
直接連結: https://archive.etat.com/?p=6907



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