[MNML 21] 繪製吉隆坡空間/文學地圖
[MNML 21] 繪製吉隆坡空間/文學地圖
資料時間_ 2017/11/25
資料地點_ 在地實驗

§ 《數位荒原》駐站暨群島資料庫計劃(第一年):第四場
§ NML Residency Project & Nusantara Archive: Artist’s Talk #4


What kind of city are we going to build through literature? LiteraCity, with the phrase “to build the city with words” is a Kuala Lumpur literature based text and cultural mapping project focusing from the period of 1970 to contemporary times in Malaysia. How then, the act of mapping the space and literature of Kuala Lumpur confronting the question of social, politics and economic surrounding Kuala Lumpur’s ideas of “development”? As a rapidly developing city, LiteraCity try to dissect the unconventional discussions in order to argue the developmental ideas of the city, which seems to always neglect its human dimension in shaping a more egalitarian city. The selected literature texts comprise of novel, short story, drama and poem indirectly dissects the logical structure of Kuala Lumpur development by interrogating human and nature as the idea and basis for urban development. Hence, through LiteraCity, we outline Kuala Lumpur’s development process not merely from the factor of time and space setting, but covering the many events and locations as a “maturing” factor for the city to be built with words.

§ 講者介紹

茲克里拉曼 Zikri Rahman

茲克里拉曼持續投入各種跨學科的社會政治與不同文化行動計畫。其共同成立的「街頭書社」是以文化素養倡議為基礎的文化工作者所組成之社群,聚焦在去中心化的知識生產模式。如今其理念展開至超過90個不同地點,並為世界各地數以百計的自發性文化工作者所採納。除此以外,他還是首屆Idearaya藝術節的總監—這個理念的藝術節,集結祝東南亞內部活躍多元的草根社團、知識份子、公民社會與社群組織者的進步與動態論述。他更是作家、獨立研究者、翻譯者與諸如Projek Dialog、Jalan Telawi和Roket Kini等線上頻道擔任「播客」。如今他也與「文學之城」藝術節合作,通過文學的透鏡從事吉隆坡的文化與文學測繪計劃。

Zikri Rahman consistently embarks in diverse interdisciplinary socio-political and various cultural activism projects. He is the co-founder of Buku Jalanan, a project co-founded as a cultural worker‘s collective and community based cultural literacy initiative focusing on decentralising the modes of knowledge production. The idea has now spread out to more than 90 different locations and been adopted by hundreds of autonomous cultural workers worldwide. He is also the festival director for the inaugural Idearaya Festival; a festival of ideas to celebrate progressive and dynamic discourses within vibrant and diverse grassroots community, intelligentsia, civil society and community organizer in Southeast Asia. Zikri is also a writer, independent researcher, translator and podcaster for various online portals such as Projek Dialog, Jalan Telawi and Roket Kini. Currently, he is doing a cultural and literary mapping project of Kuala Lumpur through the lenses of literature with LiteraCity Festival.

柯念璞Ko, Nien-pu

柯念璞為獨立策展人與研究者,以亞洲藝術與城市空間文化間的交流與策展為實踐。策展及研究關注於亞洲都市研究、藝術行動、社會運動與殖民史。2013年於台北鳳甲美術館策劃《逆棲—都市邊緣的對話與重建:香港、大阪與台灣三地聯展》,隔年受邀參與《香港深圳城市/建築雙城雙年展》(Hong Kong & Shenzhen Bi-City Biennale of Urbanism \ Architecture),2015年策劃《家國之外—原鄉裡的異鄉人》,2016年於馬來西亞吉隆坡Lostgens’藝術空間擔任駐地策展人,同年於日本東京Tokyo Wonder Site策劃《旗、越境者と無法地帯 》(Flags,Transnational – Migrants and Outlaw Territories)展。2017年於孟加拉達卡參與亞洲策展論壇,並受德國波昂NRW KULTURsekretariat邀請參訪波昂Videonale錄像藝術雙年展。同年參與國立台北藝術大學關渡美術館國際駐村計劃,進駐孟加拉達卡布雷多藝術信託(BRITTO Arts Trust及)Bengal Foundation基金會。

A curator and researcher working in various capacities on projects in Hong Kong, Japan and further afield around East Asia. Her curatorial practice consists of several interconnected strands linked to geocriticism, spatiality studies, artistic action, social movement, and colonial history in Asia. In 2013, she was the curator of Reverse Niche ‒ Dialogue and Rebuilding at the City’s Edge (Hong Kong, Osaka and Taiwan). In 2014, she participated in the Hong Kong & Shenzhen Bi- City Biennale of Urbanism\Architecture (Hong Kong) and organized the symposium We Are Everywhere-Community Art in the mist of Proletarianized Spatial Production-A Critical Approach (Hong Kong). Recent curated exhibitions include Beyond the Borderline- Exiles from the Native Land (2015), Flags,Transnational – Migrants and Outlaw Territories in Tokyo Wonder Site (2016). In 2017, She participated in Asian Curatorial Forum in Dhaka, Bangladesh. She is also invited to Bonn, Germany, by the international program of visits of the NRW KULTURsekretariat and VIDEONALE festival. She recently received a Curatorial Fellowship in residence at BRITTO Arts Trust and Bengal Foundation, Bangladesh, organized by Kuandu Museum of Fine Arts, Taiwan and Taipei National University of the Arts.

§ 《數位荒原》駐站暨群島資料庫計劃(第一年)FB
§ 主辦單位:數位荒原(財團法人數位藝術基金會)
§ 協辦單位:在地實驗、打開-當代藝術工作站
§ 觀察團成員:陳湘汶、侯昱寬、賴英泰

發佈時間_ 2018\06\26
原件著作財產權人: Zikri Rahman、柯念璞
數位檔案著作財產權人: 在地實驗、數位荒原
直接連結: https://archive.etat.com/?p=6899



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